Winner Smart Customer Service Center
Customers who are interested in our product(s), please contact us first at 2618 7388 to check the latest stock availability before placing any order.
Payment Methods 付款方式
We accept payments with FPS, PayMe, Octopus, Bank Transfer, PayPal, VISA, MasterCard & American Express.
Winner Smart 網店支持 FPS轉數快、PayMe 、八達通、銀行轉帳、PayPal、VISA、MasterCard及American Express付款。
Manual Payment 線下付款
(1)FPS 轉數快
Select Manual Payment option. 選擇付款方式 Manual Payment。
FPS Identifier 系統識別碼: 100551639
Account Name 帳戶名稱: WINNER SMART INTL LTD
** Please type in your order number as payment remarks. 請務必備註你的訂單編號。
** Please capture your payment record. 請務必截圖完成付款紀錄。
Select Manual Payment option. 選擇付款方式 Manual Payment。
Account Name 帳戶名稱: Winner Smart Int’l Ltd
Please click the link directing to PayMe to make the payment. 請點擊 PayMe 付款連結付款。
Or use PayMe App to scan the payment QR code. 或以 PayeMe 掃描付款二維碼。
** Please type in your order number as payment remarks. 請務必備註你的訂單編號。
** Please capture your payment record. 請務必截圖完成付款紀錄。
(3)Octopus 八達通
Select Manual Payment option. 選擇付款方式 Manual Payment。
Merchant Name 商戶名稱: Winner Smart Int’l Ltd
Please click the link directing to Octopus App to make the payment. 請點擊八達通銀包App付款連結付款。
Or use Octopus App to scan the payment QR code. 或以八達通銀包掃描付款二維碼。
** Please type in your order number as payment remarks. 請務必備註你的訂單編號。
** Please capture your payment record. 請務必截圖完成付款紀錄。
(4)Bank Transfer 銀行轉帳
Select Manual Payment option. 選擇付款方式 Manual Payment。
Bank 銀行: HSBC 香港上海滙豐銀行
Account No 賬戶號碼: 747-023877-838
Account Name 賬戶名稱: Winner Smart International Ltd.
** Please capture your payment record or deposit note. 請務必截圖完成付款紀錄或保留入數紙。
**Notes on Manual Payment 線下付款須知**
To help us process your order more efficiently, please send us a copy of payment record or deposit note together with your order number through one of the following methods.
Submit file through the Blue Chat Box located at the lower right corner on our website. (Please find the submission procedure instruction at the bottom of this page).
使用本網站右下角的藍色Chat Box上傳圖片 (請參考本頁面底部圖示)。
Email to and attach the image.
電郵至 附上圖片。
Send us a message via WhatsApp at (+852) 5565-5666.
WhatsApp 傳送訊息至 (+852) 5565-5666。
Start conversation with the link 以連結開始對話:
We will arrange order shipment when the payment is confirmed. Manual payment orders with no payment record submitted within 48 hours after order is placed will be cancelled.
核數後安排出貨。 如線下付款訂單確認後48小時內未能收到有關之付款紀錄,該訂單將會被取消。

Online Payment 網上付款
PayPal, Visa, MasterCard & American Express
Select PayPal Payment option. 選擇付款方式 Paypal Payment。
Customers can make payment online by PayPal, Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit cards through PayPal. You do NOT need to create a PayPal account to pay with credit card.
您可以通過 PayPal 安全地使用 Visa、MasterCard 或 American Express 信用卡網上付款。 客户無需持有PayPal帳戶即可使用信用卡付款。
Payment Procedure 付款流程
Enter shopping cart page 'My Cart' >> Enter the Promo Code (if applicable) >> Click Checkout to proceed to the next page.
進入'My Cart' 購物車頁面 >> 輸入優惠碼 Promo Code (如適用) >> 點選 Checkout 進入下一頁面。

Fill in Shipping Details and Delivery Method.
Select Payment Method 選擇付款方式:
- Manual Payment for payment with FPS, PayMe, Octopus or Bank Transfer.
以轉數快FPS、PayMe、八達通或銀行轉帳付款,請點選 Manual Payment 選項。
- PayPal for payment with PayPal, Visa, MasterCard or American Express credit card.
以 PayPal、VISA、MasterCard或American Express信用卡付款, 請點選 Paypal 選項。

For Manual Payment customers (FPS, PayMe, Octopus or Bank Transfer), please send us a copy of payment record or deposit note together with your order number.
如客戶選擇 Manual Payment 選項 (以轉數快FPS, PayMe, 八達通或銀行轉帳付款),敬請必須提供付款記錄或入數紙,並附上訂單編號。
Easy Submission through Website Chat Box
經網站Chat Box快速上傳付款紀錄
Submit file through the Blue Chat Box located on the lower right corner on our website.
使用本網站右下角的藍色Chat Box上傳圖片。
1. Click on the blue Let‘s Chat box located at the lower right corner.
點選右下角藍色窗口 Let‘s Chat
2. Click the Paper Clip symbol and upload the image file.
點選 回形針 標誌,上傳圖片

For Mobile users 智能電話用戶 範例如下:
1. Click on the Menu button at the lower right corner
點選右下角藍色 導航菜單
2. Click on the chat button
點選 對話窗口 標誌
3. Click the Paper Clip symbol and upload the image file.
點選 回形針 標誌,上傳圖片

如有任何疑問,請致電我們的客戶熱線 2618 7388。
If you have any questions, please contact our hotline at 2618 7388.