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DETERMINANT Wellness Collection

By utilising tested anti-bacterial and water-repellent technology, Determinant's highly durable wellness products provide reliable protection on top of pure comfort and quality. Create a trustworthy space where you can relax, in the knowledge that they are well-protected against water-borne viruses in a long-lasting way.


Determinant Wellness Collection includes 4 items:

Face Scarf, Sleep Mask, Hoodie Pillow, Sleeping Bed Liner. 


1 Face Scarf: Versatility at its finest, you can wear this as a scarf for warmth; slide it easily over your face for protection; use it as a headband for working out; or use it in any creative ways. This face scarf is made from soft, breathable cotton with anti-bacterial and anti-viral finishing, and is great for keeping out dust, smoke, allergens and germs.


2 Sleep Mask : Block out the world and get some good quality rest wherever you are. The light touch of the 100% cotton on your skin will help send you off into a relaxing deep sleep. Understanding the importance of facial hygiene, these sleep masks are also anti-bacterial and anti-viral.


3 Hoodie Pillow: Perfect for a nap with some privacy – the U-shaped cushion supports your neck on long flights, while the hood creates a personal sanctuary in the middle of a crowded room. The added zipper allows the cover to come off easily so you can wash and keep it clean, while the anti-bacterial and anti-viral finishing means fewer washes are required in the first place.


4 Sleeping Bag Liner: Your perfect travel companion, this sleeping bag liner provides a layer of protection and warmth on all your adventures, with anti-bacterial & anti-viral protection for added safety. The smooth poplin weave makes it comfortable on the skin, while the rectangular shape gives your legs ample space to move around and sleep in whatever position suits you. Designed to be an easy add to your carry-on, this sleeping bag liner is foldable, lightweight, and comes with a storage bag.








1 面巾:這款面巾由柔軟舒適的純棉精製而成,經過抗菌處理,非常適合阻擋 灰塵、煙霧、過敏原和細菌。它的用途多樣化,可用作保暖圍巾,又可以輕易拉上來變成護面巾或是運動頭帶。您亦可發揮創意,創出屬於你 獨特的用法。


2 眼罩:這款眼罩將您和紛擾的塵世暫時阻隔開來,令您無論身處何地都能 舒適地休息。 100%純棉的柔軟舒適有助於進入放鬆愜意的深度睡眠 。抗菌及抗病毒處理則令您面部肌膚得到安心的保護。


3 U型連帽枕:柔軟的U型連帽枕為您旅途中的小憩帶來舒適和隱私感。枕套容易 拆卸、方便清洗。同時,我們添加了抗菌抗病毒處理,意味著它可以保持更長時間的潔淨。


4隔臟睡袋:隔臟睡袋是您完美的旅行伴侶。經過抗菌處理後,在為您帶來 潔淨的同時也提供了一層保護和溫暖。光滑柔軟的面料令觸感變得 舒適,而貼合人體工程學的形狀使腿部能隨意伸展和以任何你自感 舒服的姿勢入睡。這款睡袋輕盈易折疊,配有專屬收納袋,非常方便攜帶。

DETERMINANT Wellness Collection (Navy/Heather Grey)

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